AAA-Some old terms

From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: To return to the previous page in the Supplement, use the back arrow on your browser. To return to your spot in the main website, close this browser window. Logical order Word Definition 1 Nature The entire universe except mankind. We are part of nature, of course, but we are the only creatures who can speak the word universe and know what we are talking about. So by nature I mean the universe except us. We are in our own category. 2 Religion People organizing institutionally with regard to God: Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, ethical societies and so on. Many people believe that religion straddles the dividing line between nature and that which is outside nature; namely, God who is not dependent on nature. I illustrate this straddling in Figure #1. 3 Society, secular Artifacts made by people and the activities of people that are not nature and not religion. It is the catch-all category as suggested by the polka-dots inside the secular society oval in Figurer #1. Those polka-dots represent everything from reading the funny papers (a human activity) to a shopping mall (an artifact that human beings make) to the study of nature; for example, nuclear physics (another human activity). 4 Reality All that is, including the spheres of nature, religion and secular society. Just as the faces of people are distinguishable, the three spheres are easily distinguishable, too. People readily move among these spheres; for example, by walking in the woods, going to church or going to the movies at the local shopping mall. For purposes of this book, one need not delve into great mystery or complexity about the content of these spheres or the dividing lines between them. Thinking in a straight-forward, practical manner is the way to approach this book. 5 Person A particular human being. Sometimes I use the words you, me, individual, people, citizens, politicians, executives, group, parents and children and so on, but in all cases I mean a person with a name, birth date and an address – real people. This is critical. When speaking and thinking in abstract terms like secular society, there is a tendency to forget that such terms have no meaning apart from real, individual persons. 6 Place The totality of circumstances in which a person dwells including the person’s geographic location, household, career, workplace, income and education levels and all the other usual socio-economic factors. A special aspect of place is the content of the conversation in which the person participates, hears or is aware of. 7 America The place where American’s dwell and have dwelt for approximately 25,000 years, all of which is present and available to us. I spend chapters on America. 8 Conversation Two or more people speaking with one another in turn. In conversation there is a speaker and a listener who converse back and forth with one another. It is not a monologue. I devote several chapters to conversation. It is a primary means for secular overwhelming or conversely, a primary means for celebrating life. This entire book hangs on the peg of conversation. 9 Overwhelming, ordinary Loss of control. Examples: (1) Waves overwhelm the skills of a man sailing a small boat such that he is physically unable to tack towards the safety of the cove. (2) The waves overwhelm the sailboat itself, swamping and then sinking it, making the sailboat useless to the sailor, leaving him treading water. (3) Going a step further, to be overwhelmed can mean not mere circumstances beyond one’s skills such as that of the sailor in the storm; or the loss of the craft itself making his skills irrelevant under the circumstances, but situations where one’s good judgment and free will are crippled or suspended as might happen in a panic during a fire in a crowded theater. Ordinary overwhelming is characterized by crisis that the person knows is happening. A person tries to react to ordinary overwhelming. 10 Skills, ordinary The definition of ordinary overwhelming suggests the skills a person needs to avoid being overwhelmed. (1) You need skills that are appropriate for the situation you face in your place in life. (2) You need an adequate measure of those skills. Finally, (3) you need the presence of mind to use your appropriate, adequate skills to do whatever it is that needs to be done. 11 Overwhelming, secular The domination of one’s consciousness by another person or group over many months, years or a lifetime such that one’s perceptions of reality and one’s place in it are confused and without their proper bearings. Secular overwhelming is like a silent, gale-force wind oddly characterized by the absence of crisis and the prevalence of denial. Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) said it well when he wrote, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." The bursting forth of crisis can be the first step in making progress when a person suffers from secular overwhelming. If the façade of denial is shattered, then the person might be open to his or her vocation. The first step of The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous expresses this concept well. It reads, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.” A crisis-event drives the individual to stop denying that he or she is powerless, i.e., he or she is overwhelmed 12 Expectations vs. reality The mechanism by which a crisis comes about. Reality starts to diverge from a person’s expectations. When that divergence creates too large a gap between expectations and reality, the person experiences a crisis. Typically the person does something that may be helpful (seek appropriate help to resolve the gap) or may not be helpful such as rob a bank, beat a child, have an affair or get drunk. 13 Model, mental health A method for addressing the problems, challenges and aspirations of life used by psychiatrists, psychotherapists and patients within the sphere of secular society. For instance, patients may have a chemical imbalance in their brain (depression or bi-polar disorder) for which a psychiatrist may prescribe medication. A patient may have psychological problems (neurosis or a mood disorder) that a psychotherapist might address with talk-therapy. The mental health model involves a particular framework. Practitioners have a scientific, theoretical basis for their work, they are properly qualified and licensed; they must be available and affordable to the patient and then the patient must recognize his or her need for their kind of help and show-up in the office of the practitioner. The relationship between practitioner and patient is one-on-one and can be intense. 14 Model, morality A method for addressing the problems, challenges and aspirations of life. I am not an ordained expert with advanced degrees. So, I am not going to say much about this model except to acknowledge that it is there and it is important. 15 Model, self-help A method for addressing the problems, challenges and aspirations of life wherein individuals take the initiative usually by purchasing and using goods and services, such as self-help books, tapes, CDs and seminars. The self-help model is usually a subset of the business model within the sphere of secular society. Sometimes the self-help model is used in the religious sphere. In any event, there is no therapeutic or pastoral relationship in the self-help model. While highly qualified and licensed practitioners (medical doctors, religious leaders with PhDs, and so on) may write books along the self-help line, the self-help model as such has no particular scientific or theoretical basis, qualifications or licensing requirements. The buyer simply pays the price for the good or service that the seller delivers. 16 Model, business A method business owners and executives use to address their problems, challenges and aspirations in life by making, marketing and selling goods and services to consumers for profit. The business model makes up half of secular society. 17 Scientific method The other half of secular society. 18 Approach, wholesale A term borrowed from business meaning a preference for how to approach the conduct of one’s public life. By wholesale I mean people who are knowledgeable about the subject matter at hand when dealing with one another. There is a certain equality among the individuals such that one person cannot easily take advantage of the other. The wholesale environment ordinarily is one of mutual trust because the parties are able to indentify frauds and bring about severe consequences. In a wholesale environment, a person wants to maintain a good reputation. 19 Approach, retail A term borrowed from business meaning a preference for how to approach the conduct one’s public life. By retail I mean retailers who are knowledgeable about the subject matter at hand who sell and deliver goods and services to consumers who are substantially less knowledgeable. The opportunity for fraud and the manipulation of the perception of reputation is great in the retail area compared to the wholesale area. 20 Model, criminal A method for addressing the problems, challenges and aspirations of life wherein an individual is willing to break the law, hoping not to get caught and the state is willing to punish if the person can be apprehended. The criminal model is a large part of secular society. It is a manifestation of secular overwhelming; that is, the criminals are overwhelmed by something that causes them to break the law. 21 Competition A theory about how people behave in public life. Adam Smith and his book The Wealth of Nations (1776) is the traditional iconic representative of this theory. 22 Collaboration A theory about how people behave in public life. Dr. John Nash, a 1994 Nobel Laureate in economics, overturned Adam Smith’s theories. Nash’s life and work was popularized in the 2001 movie, A Beautiful Mind starring Russell Crowe. I highly recommend the reader study the tavern scene that takes place near the university campus. A drop-dead gorgeous blond enters the tavern with four girlfriends, a total of five. What did the young graduate student, John Nash, and his three drinking-buddies from the mathematics department do? In a flash, Nash realized what the four guys should do in light of the five women entering the scene. 23 Consumers Individuals at the retail level who are responsive to the business model. 24 Forces, countervailing Forces that lean against the silent, gale-force wind of secular society. They supplement the individual’s ordinary skills so that he or she can stand erect and from an upright position of informed freedom able to make better choices that lead to happiness. Religion, democratic government, and nonprofit organizations are examples of countervailing forces. 25 Forces, secular 26 Balance The upright position of informed freedom that enables an individual to make better choices that lead to happiness. A person can achieve balance in any of the three spheres of reality: Nature, religion or secular society. In secular society, however, given its powerful nature, it is normally necessary for a person to have adequate countervailing forces in his or her place in life, along with ordinary skills, if balance is to be achieved.There are exceptions: A person may have extraordinary personal skills or have been extremely lucky in life; for instance, the person was born to wealthy, healthy and loving parents. In these exceptional cases, an individual may be able to achieve balance without marshalling significant countervailing forces 27 Rugged individual A tendency we all have to varying degrees and at different times and places to believe we ought to be self-reliant and so we work hard at practicing it. We tend not to call on other people for help. If we can do the task alone, that’s what we do. We like it that way, or we think we are supposed to like it that way. Adam Smith is the traditional icon for these tendencies. 28 Intentional person A tendency we all have to varying degrees and at different times and places to believe that we need other people to do whatever needs to be done and so we seek them out to collaborate on tasks. I use John Nash as the icon for these tendencies, although other icons that come to mind are Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Theresa of Calcutta. 29 Recognize - Slow - Define - Solve A comprehensive method for individuals to take initiative in helping themselves with the problems, challenges and desires of living. The person first recognizes the crisis, the overwhelming or an opportunity. He or she somehow slows down the state of affairs so that it can be grasped as a workable problem. Then the person defines the problem or opportunity, and only then does he or she go about the business of solving the problem or realizing the opportunity. This method is comprehensive in that the solution may make use of any of the other models. 30 Vocation That which the individual is meant to do in his or her life. The notion of vocation typically makes more sense to the person who believes that religion straddles the boundary of nature. See Figure #1. One practical effect of a person living his or her vocation (whether a believer or not) is that he or she never suffers secular overwhelming. 31 Celebration The way life is supposed to be experienced. Overwhelm “As used herein,” Billy began, “overwhelmed means, among other things, a loss of control. For example, waves overwhelm the skills of a man sailing a small boat such that he is physically unable to tack towards the safety of the cove. Or the waves overwhelm the sailboat itself, swamping and then sinking it, making the sailboat useless to the sailor, leaving him treading water. Going a step further, to be overwhelmed may mean not mere circumstances beyond one’s skills like that of the sailor in the storm; or the loss of the craft itself making his skills irrelevant under the circumstances, but situations where one’s good judgment and free will are crippled or suspended as might happen in a panic during a fire in a crowded theater. But going even further, much further, overwhelm can mean the domination of one’s consciousness by another person or group of people over many months, years or a lifetime such that one’s very perceptions of reality and one’s place in it are confused and without their proper bearings.” Glossary Term Definition Abnormal Overwhelming See Overwhelming, Abnormal Argument (Arguing) See Argument under Conversation. Aspect “a facet, phase, or part of a whole that implies other aspects of the whole are not being attended to at the moment by the Person, or are beyond the reach of the Person’s Sensorium or understanding[1] or may be beyond that of any Person’s.” Bermok (a noun) “an extraordinary emotional outburst by a Person that discharges stress[2] (Must read article in Wikipedia) but otherwise is purposeless. A group of persons Bermoking is called a riot.[3] ;;;;;;;;;;;;Bermok is a neologism of berserk and amok. As used here, berserk suggests more self-directed action such as crying in great distress, recoiling into a fetal position, screaming, slamming doors and pulling one’s hair, while amok[4] suggests more outward directed action such as destroying property and attacking people. Bermok is frightening to the Person experiencing it and to his or her victims and on-lookers. A Person’s fear of Bermok is an unconscious-driver of Denial. Denial helps contain and give direction to this fear resulting in outcomes that may appear positive. Bermok is the extreme opposite of Self Control and Getting Along.” Certitude Progression Invincible Ignorance, Ignorance, Sensorium, awareness,[5] denial, emotion,[6] attention,[7] imagination,[8] speculation,[9] interpretation,[10] deception,[11] opinion,[12] understanding,[13] belief,[14] knowledge,[15] falsehood, truth.[16] church (not capitalized) “a religious organization including churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, ethical societies and other similar religious organizations. The Internal Revenue Code uses “church” to refer to all religious organizations recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with regard to their tax-exempt status. Church does not necessarily mean belief in the existence of God. As far as the IRS is concerned, Ethical Societies,[17] whose members typically are agnostics or atheists, are legitimate tax-exempt churches no less than an organization of believers.” Circumstances “the totality of social, financial, material, and spiritual conditions affecting a Person’s Judgment especially the effects of other Persons, Influtrolers, Influtrol-Beneficiaries and Influtrol-Objects.” Common Good This essay does not take a position about what constitutes the Common Good; only that it exists and a Person either does or does not strive for it. See Wikipedia article on common good.[18] Communication See Communication under Conversation Conscience “that faculty of mind by which an action is known to be a Right Action.” Consciousness-Unconsciousness Conservative & Liberal (C&L) “a pair of terms used to refer to apposing opinions in any and all subjects, not just politics. This pair means whatever the reader thinks they mean in opposition to one another. No opinion is intended about the virtues and vices of points along the C&L spectrum.” Control “to exercise through Communication power or authority over another Person for Good or Evil purposes. For example, a superior issuing an order to an inferior who under the Circumstances is obliged to obey is a form of Control that may range from aspects of parenting a small child to slavery.”[19] Conversation “mutually respectful dialogue engaging the entire Sensoria of two or more Persons about a mutually agreed upon topic for purpose of occupying time, guiding action and discovering truth. Conversation is bordered by Communication and opposed to Influtrol. (For more discussion, see Wikipedia article on conversation.[20]) There are subcategories of Conversation among them these five: “(1) Debate refers to a formal, intense kind of Conversation where the truth of a proposition is argued using reason[21] and evidence[22].” “(2) Teaching refers to Conversation between unequal, but mutually respectful Persons; e.g., parent/child, teacher/student, preacher/congregation, supervisor/subordinate, etc.” “(3) Discussion refers to Conversation where information and ideas are compared and contrasted without the parties taking a position by expressing an opinion. “(4) Visiting and playing refers to informal Conversation that shifts over many topics at leisure. Children tend to play and adults tend to visit.” “(5) Argument as used here refers not to Debate, but to an intermediate form of Conversation that may produce more heat than light, but which may help dissipate heat (that is, Stress) so that Conversation may subsequently take place. On the other hand, Arguments may turn into Fights.”

“Fighting is not Conversation. It is verbal and/or physical conflict or the threat of conflict using Communication where one or more Persons attempt to Control one or more other Persons who resist. Fights may end in submission, stalemate, or truce; withdrawal from the conflict, or injury and death. For example, the Arguments of married couples often turn into Fights. The American Civil War was a Fight on a grand scale. Slavery[23] depends on Fights and threats of Fights between master and slave.”

“Communication as used here is an expansive, neutral term that covers all conveyances[24] between two or more Persons except Conversation. Communication carries a message[25] along a Communication Loop via language or otherwise from one Person to another that in this essay may or may not be understood[26] by the sender(s) and/or receiver(s). See article in Wikipedia on communication.[27] Note in this essay that Conversation is the alternative to Communication and not a subcategory of it. Means of Communication include oral-oral speech, radio, television, the Internet, telephones, correspondence, newspapers, magazines, books, the U.S. Postal Service, smoke signals, sign language, etc. and trucks, automobiles, airplanes, trains, ships, riverboats, etc. The buying and selling of goods and services in general is a means of Communication. Influtrol and Fights are forms of Communication while Influence and Getting-Along may be forms of Communication or aspects of Conversation.”

“Communication Loop refers to the sum or any part of the direct or indirect flow of conveyances among Persons; for example, a nation’s economy necessarily involves a Communication Loop.”

“Tele-presence is real-time, two-way Communication between two or more Persons using means such as telephones, video conferencing, two-way radios, etc. in an attempt to simulate one or more aspects of the human Sensorium. See article in Wikipedia on telepresence.”[28]

Critical mass of daily happiness (CMDH)


See Destructive Cult.


See Debate under Conversation


“a key aspect of the Overwhelming (as the object); a key Effect of the Overwhelming (as the actor). Denial is an indication that a Person may be Overwhelmed. Denial and awareness[29] are opposites. See Wikipedia article on denial.”[30]

Destructive Cult

“a religion or other group which has caused or has a high probability of causing harm to its own members or to others. The group, its leader(s) and members are bizarre or abnormal. See the Wikipedia article on destructive cult.”[31]


See Overwhelming Effects

Elite (singular or plural)

“a neutral term that means a small group of Persons (or an individual in that small group) within a larger group who have more power, social standing, wealth, or talent than the rest of the group.”


See Good and Evil below.


“any Person of integrity and skill who knows what he or she is talking about in any field of endeavor, who works for the Common Good and the betterment of his or her field, has a sense of leadership and is publicly recognized as an Expert or who holds a position where he or she is supposed to be an Expert.”


“a neutral term that refers to that which is popularly expected. The Overwhelming Communicates itself in part through Fashion. Clothing fashion is an example of Fashion. See article in Wikipedia on fashion.”[32]


See Fighting under Conversation

Free Will

“a complicated philosophical and theological topic. See Wikipedia article on free will.[33] This essay assumes Persons have it”.

Getting Along (a noun and a verb)

“two or more Persons cooperating in tasks and/or avoiding Arguments in general and Fights in particular. May occur in the context of Liberty or its absence.”

Good and Evil

This essay does not take a position about what constitutes Good or Evil; only that they exist and a Person ought to do Good and avoid Evil. See Wikipedia article on Good and Evil.[34]


See Wikipedia article on happiness.[35] This essay does not define Happiness except to acknowledge its potential existence. This essay concentrates on the Pre-conditions to Happiness.

Hierarchy of terms

Supernatural, universe, Earth, life, Persons, Circumstances, awake, aware, attention, consciousness and unconsciousness, knowledge and ignorance, Liberty, Denial, Judgment, Overwhelmed, Happiness.


“to attempt though Conversation or Communication to persuade another Person to believe something or take an action while respecting the other Person’s Judgment; contrasted to Influtrol and Fighting’”

Influtrol (a noun and a verb)

“Communication by an Influtroler camouflaged as mere attempts to Influence another Person or group such as consumers, voters, etc. but aspires to Control the Circumstances and/or Judgment of Persons for the benefit of the Influtroler; same as psychological manipulation[36] (Must read Wikipedia article). Influtrol attacks and diminishes Liberty.”


“a Person who benefits or thinks he or she benefits from Influtrolers and/or Influtrol and therefore defends them if they are threatened.”


“a Person objectified (dehumanized) by an Influtroler; the objects of Influtrol.”


“a Person who Influtrols.”

Intangible Reciprocity

“a phenomenon described by this quotation from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. concerning a belief that he held: ‘All I'm saying is simply this, that all life is interrelated, that somehow we're caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. For some strange reason, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.’”

Invincible Ignorance

“the present inability of a Person to understand or submit to the truth about a matter. Further attempts to Influence the person about the matter are futile a And should be abandoned for now.”


“the process by which a Person evaluates information and makes a decision[37] in the context of his or her Circumstances. In this essay Judgment includes wisdom[38] and discernment.[39] Judgment rests on Free Will and Liberty which may be impaired by Influtrol.”

Key Problem, the

“the problem the solution to which will have the most positive ramification in number and quality on the solutions to other problems.”

Lay (person, people, man, woman, etc.)

“an ordinary Person that is not in an Expert, Leader or Elite.”


“any Person who is dedicated to the Common Good and has the charisma of leadership such that a group of people desire to follow him or her as a group in one or more endeavors or who holds a position where he or she is supposed to be a Leader,’


See Conservative & Liberal (C&L)


“refers to both ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ liberty. See Wikipedia article on liberty.”[40]


“an ordinary Mensch[41] who believes this statement is true: ‘All life is interrelated … somehow we're caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. For some strange reason, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.’[42] Accordingly, a Mensch strives to lift-up the other person to become his or her best self while doing the same for him or her self.”


“a term used to clarify that the ancestors of the Americans being referred to, by birth or adoption, were here in America before 1492; used in contrast to Other-Americans.”


“the entire universe, but with Persons, Religion, Destructive Cults and Secular Society carved out for their own special definitions. (‘Nature’ with these other special terms excluded means what we normally mean by the term ‘Mother Nature.’)”

Normal Overwhelming

See Overwhelming, Normal


“any aspect of the universe except I and Persons with whom I empathize, myself included.[43] An Object’s degree of abstraction is in inverse relation to its Proximity to ‘I,’ me being the closest Object in Proximity to ‘I.’”


“a term used to clarify that the ancestors of the Americans being referred to, by birth or adoption, were not here in America before 1492; used in contrast to Native-Americans.”

Overwhelm, to

“to affect somebody's emotions in a complete or irresistible way and/or to use superior strength, force, or numbers to defeat somebody completely; to take Control of somebody; the counterpart of “to be Overwhelmed.” Influtrolers Overwhelm their human Objects by means of Influtrol.”

Overwhelmed, to be

“to lose Control over one’s self[44] along a continuum between two poles: A loss of Control over one’s emotions[45] and/or a loss of Control over one’s Circumstances. Persons who are Overwhelmed waver between awareness[46] and Denial of their state; the counterpart of ‘to Overwhelm.’”

Overwhelming, Abnormal

Overwhelming, Normal

Overwhelming, the (as the actor)

“an aspect of Secular Society; a stupendously enormous complex of Influtrolers, Beneficiaries, and Communications that Overwhelm Persons through Influtrol, causing Overwhelming Effects. The Overwhelming is a problem to be resolved or avoided.”

Overwhelming, the (as the object)

“the collection of Overwhelming Effects as they may affect a Person or group of Persons.”

Overwhelming Effects

“behaviors and conditions of a Person that may be caused in some fashion by the Overwhelming; for example, Sensorium deprivation, unawareness, hyperawareness, Denial, Stupidity, Stress, Panic, humiliation, guilt, crying,[47] ignorance, Invincible Ignorance, and Bermok. A Person who may be Overwhelmed presents with one or more of these Effects.”


“a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety that comes on suddenly, is overwhelming, appears to be uncontrollable, and may seem to be unfounded; may be an effect of being Overwhelmed.”

People, the

“two or more mutually committed Persons who understand themselves in the context of the group that they form, such as a married couple and their dependent children (a synonym for a nuclear family), a close-knit extended family, a Native-American tribe or as used in the two phrases, “in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies” used in our Declaration of Independence of 1776 and “We the People of the United States” used in the preamble to our Constitution of 1778.”


“a member of the species Homo sapiens,[48] male, female and otherwise, with a body and mind[49] imbedded in Nature.”

Preconditions of Happiness

“those conditions that must be present in a Person’s Circumstances before Happiness can be pursued, much less achieved by the Person; for example, not being thirsty, hungry, naked or exposed are fundamental preconditions. How much education is necessary for Happiness, on the other hand, is a matter of Debate. The resolution or avoidance of Overwhelming Effects is another fundamental precondition of Happiness. You cannot be Happy and Overwhelmed at the same time.”



“false Happiness; the appearance of Happiness made possible by Denial.”

Radical Equality


“the totality of the universe and the supernatural.”


“having to do with organized churches among believers and nonbelievers in the Supernatural, but excludes Destructive Cults. Said churches are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service.”

Right Action

Secular Society

“everything associated with Persons that is not Nature and not Religion.”



“the complex of all our senses.[50] Must read article in Wikipedia on sensorium.”[51]

Special Term

“a capitalized word or phrase that is consistently used in a text according to its definition that appears in the glossary of the text.”

Speculative Story

“a combination of publicly available information about a person, place, thing or event that has been reported through the news media and reasonable speculations about the news item for purpose of illustrating a point in the writer’s thesis about some other matter. In other words, publicly known facts about a news item are used by the writer as speculative cannon fodder to develop his or her thesis. The story is written in a way such that the reader understands this purpose and is not misled into believing that the public record about the news item is being altered or supplanted by the writer’s speculations. The speculations clearly remain speculations.”



Substratum, American


“that which is outside the universe. See supernatural[52] in Wikipedia. God[53] is Supernatural.”


See Teaching under Conversation


See Tele-presence under Conversation



Useful Avoidance

“an agreement between two or more Persons that religious and political ideas may be used in a Conversation to explain concepts while avoiding the implication that the speakers or listeners are current members of or believers in a party or church associated with those ideas.”


See Visiting under Conversation

Will to Power
























[24] “The conveying of something, especially the transportation or transmission of something from one place to another; for example, the conveyance of information from the mainland to the islands.”






























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