Contest Proposition, the

From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: As used herein, The Contest Proposition states that some Contests can and do lead to Social Fragmentation as (1) an unintended byproduct or (2) as a Desired outcome on the part of certain Individuals, Households, or Organizations engaged in the Contest. Comments The Contest Proposition is a relatively Understandable subset of the enormous, hard-to-Understand Overwhelming Cause of Social Fragmentation. The Contest Proposition states that Social Fragmentation at a certain time and Place can be Caused by a given Contest. Unlike the Overwhelming, you often can point to a given Contest and say, "There it is." For example, marriage (on some days) can seem to be nothing but a Contest. If not resolved, marital Contests will lead to separation and divorce - a fundamental form of Social Fragmentation. On a much larger scale, the American Civil War was a Contest, too. That is how Abraham Lincoln saw it. See his "Meditation on the Divine Will."

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