Cult, Destructive

From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: Dan - I need this term, Religion. It is mentioned in the Ideomatic. Finish this page: Religion, church, Secular Society and Destructive Cults As used herein, "Religion" merely refers to organized churches among believers and nonbelievers in the Supernatural. It refers to Organizations of a certain kind. Commentary The CG does get into matters of Belief or non-Belief in the Supernatural or into spirituality, faith, doctrine, teachings, etc., but it does routinely point to churches (with a small 'c'). They are a commonplace Aspect of the American landscape. See Wikipedia article on religion. Destructive Cults A congregation of Persons which has caused or has a high probability of causing harm to its own members or to others. The group, its leader(s) and members are bizarre or abnormal. (See article in Wikipedia on destructive cult.)

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