Extraordinary, the

From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: As used herein, the Extraordinary (noun) is the combination of Extraordinary Problems in a Situation or Crisis, and potential Extraordinary Solutions that may exist outside the ability of one's Household to bring into balance and so resolve into a Desirable state. Thinking about the Extraordinary encourages us to have a (1) mindset about (2) society grounded in (3) the bodies of real people in (4) real households (5) if and when they have (6) real problems that they are (7) unable to solve and so (8) need to reach out to bodies in society around them to (9) find ordinary social solutions that actually work (10) adequately. Commentary 1. What makes up the Extraordinary varies from one Community to the next and even from one Household to the next. 2. The Extraordinary necessarily involves Society with one's Household. The existence of the Extraordinary is what causes a Household to Need Society. 3. A perfectly functioning Society would continually resolve the Extraordinary like an assembly line. The Extraordinary causes suffering, but in a well-functioning Society the suffering would be at low, tolerable level. 4. Extraordinary Problems unsolved for a period of time in a given Society indicate that they either are Conditions or that the given Society is malfunctioning. Suffering is aggravated.

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