
From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: As used herein, God refers to the Supernatural being described in the Judeo-Christian tradition. His name is "I am who I am." God, in this tradition, is deemed to be pure being (pure existence). His being is orderly and intelligible, not chaotic and unintelligible. Ontology God, as defined herein, is not something within an Ontology, no matter how the Ontology might be conceived. An Ontology, whether poorly or well-conceived, hangs from God like a coat from a hanger. Thus when constructing this Ontology, We put "God" above the Primary Special Terms. Commentary We acknowledge that some people have different Beliefs about the Supernatural than what is described here, including that the Supernatural does not exist. The point is that when We say "God," We mean the above definition and not something else. Also note that We use the conventional masculine singular pronouns, "He," "Him," and "His" to refer to God. Why important If God exists and if He is pure existence, then all Objects, Events, and People - including you - exist within the orderliness and intelligibility of His existence and are dependent on it. If you are curious to Understand your existence accurately, Thinking about God and His relationship with you and vice versa is the place to begin. Illustration Existence exists. It is self-evident. Even if you argued existence is a Delusion, the Delusion you are referring to exists in your mind or somewhere. The question is this: Does existence exist absent Objects, Events, People, and Delusions? The answer could be, "Yes, God Italic textexists." Alternatively, you could argue that nothing but Objects, Events, People, and Delusions exist. You could be a materialist. Essay None. Cross-references See Three-Hat Manner of Proceeding for a discussion of how We handle issues surrounding the question of God's existence. How does God fit or not fit into Reality? See Reality.

  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition. None.

    Related terms: Supernatural

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