
From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: DAN: Unconsciously, was I thinking of the three Hats? A 72-Group-A is in the process of formation. The individuals and the group are answering the question: Do I (we) want to extricate ourselves from the Ideomatic in this way? A 72-Group-B is fully formed and does want to extricate itself from the Ideomatric, but its members do not want to adopt an explicit church discipline. A monastic "rule" is one kind of example of a church discipline. A 72-Group-C does, in fact, adopt a church discipline and so becomes a tax-exempt "religious order." As used herein, a 72-Group-A is a Group in formation from the recruitment of the first Participant to a full contingency of a 36-Group of male Members and a 36-Group of female Members. Each 36-Group is made up of three 12-Groups the Members of which rotate through 3-Groups. All voting Members of a 72-Group have an Equal Voice and Vote. After the majority of a 72-Group-A have graduated from a Social Cohesion School and met other qualifications, it becomes known as a 72-Group-B or a 72-Group-C depending on what the Participants are aiming for. See: 72-Group-A, 72-Group-B and 72-Group-C.

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