Key words of CG

From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: (A) The Big Problem - Below is a sequence of statements using keywords from the Cohesion Compendium-Glossary (CG) that will not only give you a sense for the scope of the CG but will also explain The Big Problem of our time. Before getting into the sequence, take note of the CG's Purpose. (1) The CG is about a Person or people and the Actions he, she or they undertake. It is about the Actions you undertake. (2) Notice that your Actions are movements along your Degrees of Certitude. (3) Notice that Truth is the epitome of Certitude. Does Truth in an ultimate, objective sense independent of you exist? If so, can the Truth be obtained by your Actions? Is the Truth Good? Regardless of your answers to these questions ... (4) By the observation of your Actions, you can be Known. (5) One Proposition that modern scientists and ordinary people regard as True is that you take Actions to get your Needs met. All humans do. (6) Notice that your Needs are a unified, primordial system. The means for meeting your Needs, however, are always contemporary and often competitive, not unified. Given your Circumstances, you try to get your Needs met by means of Control in conjunction with one or more of the following categories of means: Conversation, Communication, Influtrol. (7) Notice that Influtrol never aims for the True and the Good while Communication may or may not, and Conversation always aims for the True and the Good. (8) Notice that People Desire Control. Is Control Good, Evil or indifferent? It requires analysis of the particular case and Judgment to Know. The CG starts out regarding Control as indifferent until a Judgment can be made in the given case. (9) Now let's shift gears. Do you Need Social Cohesion? Do you Need it Adequately? (10) Notice that Conversation, among other things, is necessary for achieving and sustaining your Social Cohesion. So, if it is True that you Need Social Cohesion, and it is True that you do not Converse Adequately, you cannot meet your Needs Adequately, either. Now consider these questions... (11) Do we modern folk tend to Converse or Communicate? Is Influtrol widely used nowadays? What are the facts? What are the trends? In any event... (12) People choose to Converse or not, to seek Social Cohesion or not. If people choose not to Converse Adequately because, for example, they are told by Influtrolers that Communication is the way to go - it is the future - it is "modern" - it is the "fashion" - the people in the audience necessarily will undergo increasing amounts of Social Fragmentation. And that is so painful that many if not most people will unconsciously retreat into Denial. Another way to put it is - The population becomes Overwhelmed by their choice to abandon Conversation in favor of Communication due to the Influtrol of the Influtrolers. (13) Influtrol is magnified mightily by modern Communication technologies Governed by Organizations. The totality of Communication - Good, Evil and indifferent - is called the Ideomatic. (14) Now, think about this: If a population is Overwhelmed by the effects of the Ideomatic, the people of that population cannot Know what the facts are or at least they cannot make appropriate Judgments with regard to what they think are the facts. As a consequence, they cannot get their Needs met Adequately. They suffer. The point that is different in this statement compared to the one in #12 is that in #12 we spoke of people choosing to Converse or not. Here we are pointing out that if a population is Overwhelmed, there is no choice. To varying degrees, each Person is stuck. For example, a Person embroiled in mind-altering alcohol and drugs is stuck. The Person is in Denial. Hopefully the Person will "hit rock bottom," as they say, and work his or way out of the Situation. But - apparently - that is the relatively rare exception to the general rule or alcoholism and drug addiction would have died out long ago. So what do people do in Overwhelming Situations? They, among other things, comfort themselves with Ideology instead of Knowledge of the facts. They give-up on the Truth as being impossible to obtain. (15) If a population is Overwhelmed, how can the Denial of the people be penetrated and over-thrown by you or by any Person so that the Truth of the matter at hand can be Known by those presently in Denial? (16) The Situation is worse than the last question implies: If a society in a given time and place is already Socially Fragmented beyond a certain tipping point, that means the people of that society cannot Converse well enough to get their Needs met Adequately by means of Conversation as a general statement. People, therefore, must rely on, in general, Communication and Influtrol to exercise Control which then adds to more Social Fragmentation. It is a vicious, downward cycle. That, basically, sums up the current Situation in many countries today. (17) It is possible some people like the status quo of their country. They Believe they benefit from it. They do not see a Situation of Social Fragmentation begging for change. They see, rather, collections of "bad guys" that they - the "good guys" - need to be defeated possibly by means of violence. Are such "good" people actually Overwhelmed and in Denial? In any event... (18) It all comes down to what you decide to do. Do you do this or do you do that? None of us - ever - have a perfect collection of information that enables us to make a perfect Judgment. Rather, at some point, we simply decide - we make a Judgment - and so Act. So, what are you going to do about the Situation at hand? Social Fragmentation is a Super Extraordinary Problem. See Column 'B.'


(B) The Solution - Unless you have a better idea that will create an Adequate Solution-System that can Solve the Super Extraordinary Problem of Social Fragmentation, join a Cohesion ProjectTM or Cohesion ProgramTM of the Cohesion [Nation] where you live and so have the possibility of developing the necessary Critical Mass to turn the Situation around. As you successfully participate in Cohesion [Nation], you will progress through positions in the following sequence: 1. Visitor (V) 2. Newsletter Reader (NR) 3. Registered Reader (RR) 4. Verified Registered Reader (VRR) 5. Floating Member (FM) 6. Associate Member (AM) 7. Adult Student Member (ASM) 8. Graduate Member (GM) 9. Non-Graduate Member (NGM) 10. Full Member (FM)

11. Member Emeritus (ME)

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