Left and Right

From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: DAN: Must think more about what I want to say about politics. As used herein, Left and Liberal are synonyms as are Right and Conservative. These terms, individually or collectively, constitute the title of a single audience made up of (a) the active members of all the political party Organizations in a given Nation, plus (b) those unaffiliated citizens who at this moment identify with the Ideology of this or that party Organization in the given Nation. The Left (Liberals) and Right (Conservatives) are perpetual Contestants against one another in perpetual Contests in perpetual election cycles for the purpose of perpetually sorting out Governing dominance. It's the Contest that counts, not the Ideology. Ideology is merely one item to be changed to suit the needs of Governing dominance. As used herein, and merely for the purpose of generating lively discussion, the Ideology of the Left is assumed to be primarily focused on unconstrained sexual license. As used herein, and merely for the purpose of generating lively discussion, the Ideology of the Right is assumed to be primarily focused on unconstrained Wealth accumulation.

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