
From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: As used herein, an Ontology is a reasoned Hierarchy of Categories of words in a domain of Knowledge that helps to indicate the meaning of the words and how those meanings relate to one another. Commentary An Ontology may begin with an alphabetically arranged glossary of words in a domain of Knowledge. The ontologist rearranges the words into a Hierarchy of Categories of words to suggest causal relationships among the word meanings. There are no perfect Ontologies in a given domain. There simply are those that strike a person as more helpful than others. A "good" Ontology is one that gives the user a greater sense of control over the domain of Knowledge. The validity of the assessment of "good" is evidenced by the Person becoming more effective in their Actions within the given domain.

Related terms: Category | Hierarchy | Knowledge

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