Problem, The Big

From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: As used herein, "the Big Problem" is a title applied to that Super Extraordinary Problem (SEP) or collection of SEPs in a given time and place in human history from which flows a preponderance of the personal, social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental SEPs experienced by Citizens, thus indicating that said SEP or SEPs ought to be the top priority in the Problem-Solving efforts of Citizens. For example, not that long ago, the Big Problem was the aggression of the Axis Powers. For almost everyone else, that aggression was the principal SEP that gave birth to many others. Had other nations not come together to form the Allied Forces that were Adequate to the challenge and so succeeded in Solving the Big Problem of that time, the world would be very different today. The Big Problem of our time in the Modern World is the Overwhelming. DAN: The Ideomatic gives birth to the Overwhelming which induces denial which leads to poor Judgement that produces actions that - A. Do not meet the person's Needs adequately B. Undermine Conversation, Voluntary Helpfulness, and Courage which causes Social Cohesion to decline (causes social fragmentation). The Big Problem is a vicious cycle. The denial

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