0-Special Term Template

From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: Definition As used herein, a Definition states the meaning of a Special Term concisely. The term being defined is always preceded by the phrase, "As used herein," and the term itself is printed in bold. Ontology This section explains the Special Term location within the Hierarchy and Categories of all OC Special Terms within which this Special Term makes sense to an Ordinary Person. Commentary A Special Term entry may have a commentary. A commentary further explains the definition even to the extent of a word-for-word analysis. (See Wikipedia articles, Commentary (Philology) and Close Reading). Why important Why bother with this term? Why not leave it undefined or use a different term instead of this one? There must be an important need this term fills. What is it? Illustration A Special Term entry may have an argument to illustrate the need for the term. An argument argues a Proposition using the Special Term. It applies the Special Term and its definition to some Aspect of Reality. It illustrates the Special Term as an especially appropriate word choice in a given instance. Essay: Title of essay Having done all of the above, a special term may still warrant one or more essays because the term's implications are complex, far-reaching in society, or otherwise consequential and important. Subheading Sentences below a subheading. Sub-subheading Sentences below a subheading. Cross-references "Also see," "Compare to," "Contrast with," and similar hyper-linked references go here.

  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary definitions of asterisk-words in the Special Term definition, if any, go here within two horizontal lines.

Last Revised: xx/xx/xxxx

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