Timeline of America

From The Practical Ontology & Compendium of Social Cohesion

Definition: Placeholder

The timeline we use - When, where, why and how homo sapiens first came to and settled in what we now call the United States and what preceded their arrival is fascinating. Scientists are rapidly developing answers. Below is a timeline of the major events we refer to in these websites with links to articles about them. In pre-written-history, dates are hotly debated among scientists. For our purposes of writing this website and keeping dates simple, we will use an "assumed date" somewhere within the range of the debate for a given event.

# Event     Dates Assumed date Links
1 Beginning of the Universe 13.798 billion years Big Bang
2     Planet Earth formed 4.54 billion years Earth
3 First mammals 225 million to 167 million Mammal
4 Pangea Broke-up 200 million years Pangea
5 North America Continent separated from Eurasia portion of prior Pangea Somewhere between 145-66 million years North America
6 First Saber Tooth Cat (tiger) 42 million years Saber Tooth Cat
7 First anatomically modern humans 300,000 years Human
8 First behaviorally modern humans 100,000
9 First humans in America

Short theory

Long theory

15,000 to 17,000

years ago 21,000 to 40,000 years ago


years ago

Settlement of the Americas
10 Last Saber Tooth Cat (tiger) in North America 10,000 years ago
11 Cahokia - an enormous mound city

near St. Louis

Begin - 600 A.D.

End - Early 16th Century

12 Formation of the Iroquois League 1450 - 1600 A.D. Iroquois
13 Pocahontas married John Rolfe April 5, 1614 Pocahontas
14 Daniel Boone & family settle in Missouri 1799 Daniel Boone
15 First two nodes of Internet connected October 29, 1969 Internet

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